On this page you will find the disclaimer of Skottsberg.com, as made available by Wegter Grootverbruik B.V. In this disclaimer we specify under which conditions we offer you the information on our website.
Intellectual property
Without express written permission from Wegter Grootverbruik B.V., it is not permitted to reuse text, photo material or other materials on this website. The intellectual property ownership lies with Wegter Grootverbruik B.V.
No guarantee of correctness
Wegter Grootverbruik B.V. strives to keep its website up to date. If despite these efforts the information or the content of this website is incomplete or incorrect, we cannot accept any liability for that.
The information (like product specifications, product descriptions, prices and illustrations) on this website are presented without any form of guarantee and/or claim to correctness. We retain the right to amend this information, to delete or restore it without any form of advance warning. Wegter Grootverbruik B.V. does not accept any liability for any information published on the websites to which we have placed referral hyperlinks.